Equilibrium- brazilactiv fitness wear

Equilibrium Activewear

Equilibrium Activewear.

Equilibrium Exclusive Prints

Quality Artisan Craft is what makes Equilibrium Activewear Stand out from the rest.

They offer Most stunning and detailed tops and bottoms in all of Brazil.

Later cut tops, Exposed back tops, link tops, the tiniest of details that turn a simple garment into a work of Art.

Tights and capris with cut out sides and rips all intertwined with exclusive prints and high tech fabrics for ultimate comfort while working out.

Their line of active wear is hand made using exclusively the finest and  highest grade materials available on the market worldwide.

They  want to ensure that their clothes will look and feel amazing years after you’ve bought them.

You will absolutely LOVE their Range with Bright bold and beautiful colour combinations.

For the classy girl who likes the designer look with a cheeky twist.

Equilibrium Brazilactiv fitness wear L771-Chains-2