Easter Time

Ok…so it’s Easter Time! Celebrations and Feasts are around the corner.

Depending on your culture and religion there will be a barrage of delectable treats that will await you. It’s wonderful to indulge in the festivities and traditions of Easter with friends and family.

However, if you’re a gym junkie…this can pose many psychological demons to emerge.Guilt, Fear, Worry!!!! All of these,of course are related to the intake of the not-so healthy foods that you might consume.

As a certified gym junkie and fitness trainer,my advise would be to relax and enjoy! It’s OK to indulge every-so often in the joys of family friendship and good food. Of-course don’t go absolutely mad with glee at the sight of the delectable treats and overindulge.Moderation is key!

The most important thing is to incorporate daily exercise into your Easter holiday routine. Go for walks…outdoor runs…do a home workout, attend a group fitness class or play some form of sport.  Stay Active!!!!!

This will make you feel better and release some of the psychological stresses that come with the Easter Festivities. And above all Enjoy! Life is way too short to worry about the tiny little things that take our pleasure away.

Have  a wonderful..Active…Easter Break 🙂