A Healthy, Happy Me.

A Healthy, Happy Me.

Ok..so the Easter Festivities are over…well, in this part of the world anyway.

Time to get back on track and jump onto the fast paced “train of life”. Why have our lives become so hectic? Everyone seems to either be “very busy”…’have no time” “stressed”…”anxious”…”DEPRESSED”.

Yes, it’s the “D” word. i’m not sure about other parts of the world, but here in beautiful Australia the “D” word is verbalised daily.

How can it be that we live in one of the most fortunate countries in the world and yet a huge chunk of our population is DEPRESSED?.

I do understand that it is a legitimate condition which legitimately affects a great chunk of this beautiful country and i dare say other countries..but i cannot help but feel that sometimes we tend to throw the word and emotions that go with it around, as if it has suddenly become an essential part of our daily living.

How can one help him or herself from feeling down?…Now i’m not talking about clinical depression here, so let’s get that straight. I’m talking about the negative self-talk..the little voices in our heads that become emotions if we believe them and continue to effect our daily existence.

Step 1. “BE POSITIVE” Think good, positive thoughts..kill that negativity!

Step 2. “SMILE”..force yourself if it doesn’t come naturally…you will reap the rewards!

Step 3. “EXERCISE”..Yes!!!! BE ACTIVE..Those endorphins will kick in and you will immediately feel much better…and your physical body will also benefit immensely.

Three little steps daily will get you on the right track to happiness and a positive outlook on life.

Enjoy your time on this beautiful planet..be happy 🙂